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Thoughts on the Tax System

18 Day 1,090, 03:58 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Bonjours my Friends, and Not-so-Friendly Reader,

(Note that reader is in singular, he knows himself ;P )

The current situation:
[ … read more »

[Rude Confrontation] First Interview with the First President of eNZ

18 Day 1,082, 05:05 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Heeeeelllo Fellow eNZ and Citizen of the Admin-damned eWorld,

this is first episode of our hard and rude confrontation...
where questions are direct,

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5 Day 1,081, 06:45 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Hi all eNZ, eCitizens of the New World, wherever you are (even in eSerbia)

special Hi to my friends from eIran and eFrance

special greetings to Admins : you suck, give another FP!

The admins forgot to put the reminder to go and vote, and

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14 Day 1,080, 04:48 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Nov.4 Day 1080 of the god-damned eWorld, where "les cons" are omin-potent and can remove us from eLife along with our article for no intelligent reason!

the editorial board of the Arabian Night had noticed an increased lacked of humour and fun,

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49 Day 1,079, 03:55 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

We are all kiwis !!

this is apparently the proposed national motto, or in non-so-politically-correct phrasing, the new dogma and passe-par-tous demagogic phrase used to silence opposition.
those who bleat it day and … read more »