[NEW CONGRESS] The right destination

Day 1,071, 16:15 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice

Hi dear citizens

i will write a stupid article, since good articles tend to be deleted by admins!

so, no history, no science, no statistics, nothing!

but a small advice

since i see that some eNZ wants to cooperate with eSerb TOs

the same people who told us all along that they are enemy

now they want to cooperate with the 19 Serbs in congress

well, they have reason... they think that country must be run, must prosper


i do not have any objections

who i am to object, anyway

but i have a small advice

to cooperate with eSerbs in the congress, and make it functional

dear officials, you are addressing the wrong persons

to cooperate with the 19th congressmen

make your demands here


speak to him:

speak to Belgrade

with love,

"you don't have to believe me"