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If your looking for the same old stuff that you see in most papers then keep searching. This paper is dedicated to bring you humor, theory, and anything else I can think of. If you like what I write please subscribe and comment.

Get In the War Games! Whooo!

11 Tag 549, 20:24 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hey ya'll,
So once again we face another Friday...
Another war game with Ireland...
Another vote for congress for Jon Malcom and some other guys??....
Another day to 2click our way through society...
Another day to ponder if Star Trek was real

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Germany Just Sexted Me...Eww

0 Tag 547, 20:19 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hey America,
Well how is it for you today? Oh me, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though.
Saw Star Trek lots of fun, I miss when you sat next to me in the movie theatre.
We used to hold hands and look into each others eyes.
Drink milkshakes with

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Running for Congress...again

0 Tag 545, 15:56 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hey there it's me again,
Well I am running again:
1. I believe I can represent Texas and the CVP in the best way possible.
2. I will not push for higher taxes.
3. I will push for a greater military but not more tanking considering the gold cost.

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Desert Falcon Wins...It Was that Awesome Profile Picture...Darn You Falcon Man!

7 Tag 542, 19:31 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hey Ya'll,
Well as you are guessing DF has won in the CVP presidency run. It was fun, now it's done, I enjoyed to run.
I hope everybody made the best choice and that they are happy with the Party President.
Thank you voters and thank you Desert

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Any Last Words...

2 Tag 541, 22:06 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Go out and vote. Choose canidates carefully and think about who your voting for.
Good luck!
(I'm tired that's why this article is tiny)

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