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If your looking for the same old stuff that you see in most papers then keep searching. This paper is dedicated to bring you humor, theory, and anything else I can think of. If you like what I write please subscribe and comment.

Don't Doubt Me: Jon Malcom Running For CVP President! (again)

3 Tag 557, 18:12 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hey there,
I think I've seen you around here before.
Sure you always sit in the corner and when the karyoke machine comes on, you think about singing...but you don't. You sit and drink...and drink...
You know why drink...Because your part

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The Resistance??

5 Tag 554, 18:46 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

The Resistance is fighting in South Africa...
if your reading this you are the resistance...

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PTO's and Tanlines is it Summer? Because this Game is Hot...!

2 Tag 554, 18:01 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Well actually I would prefer tanlines over PTO'S any day (or night) of the week.

Ok so according to the White House Press the Hungarians tried to do a political takeover yesterday on Spain.
Why can't people play somewhat fair in this game?

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The President Is Not a Nazi...I Repeat He Is Not a Nazi...

2 Tag 553, 19:37 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

He is Vulcan...I'm glad that settles that.
People have attacked Scrabman for many things, even I have been a critic of the Prez. But I can assure that because of Scrabman we have had a much better nation.
Think about some of the stupid stuff that

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Thank You Fallen Soldiers!

5 Tag 552, 21:19 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I know this is late in writing but I had a long day.
Thank you for firing the musket at Bunker Hill...
Thank you for loading cannons at Gettysburg...
Thanks you for taking the the enemy's attacks at Belleau Wood in WW1...
Thanks for

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