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If your looking for the same old stuff that you see in most papers then keep searching. This paper is dedicated to bring you humor, theory, and anything else I can think of. If you like what I write please subscribe and comment.

Presidential Election Day

3 Tag 563, 17:09 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

"Today is our Independence day" --Bill Pullman from the movie Independence Day.
I think every presidential election day is an independence day.
We have the freedom of choice to elect a new president.
We have the choice to carefully search the

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Claire Littleton Will Freaking Bury You!

10 Tag 562, 19:01 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Sure she's cute. Informative and pretty good at writing articles but she's also pretty good at politics. She'll walk the streets in high heels so she can get information from low sources. (see what I did there I used high heels and low sources good

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Why I Am Utterly Amazing....

3 Tag 561, 20:45 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Well I haven't really got anything yet...
So have I seen you here before?
You probably know me, I'm the guy dancing on the table with his shirt off. I'm that popular.
Speaking of popularity are you going to vote me in as CVP President this time?

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Vanity Vanity, All is Vanity.

2 Tag 560, 09:43 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hi Readers,
Uncle Sam and Benn Dover are leaving Erepublic soon enough folks. You need to read up on what they say about it. I liked Benn's article better.
They are the beta giants, they are the titans, they are the hammers while I am but a mere

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Prepare for Glory!

0 Tag 559, 14:09 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

For tonight we dine at Denny's!
My lord will there be pancakes?
Of course, and we will slaughter those pancakes!

Ok so wargames continue to go forth, I was promoted to some kind of military position and I am running for CVP president. Sound

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