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If your looking for the same old stuff that you see in most papers then keep searching. This paper is dedicated to bring you humor, theory, and anything else I can think of. If you like what I write please subscribe and comment.

ARMY making a comeback...please no.

2 Tag 535, 19:37 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I know the eAmerican government wants you to believe that the Army is a good thing. It'll be promotions and hugs and all that other crap...
Quote in Moishe article:

"While we shall still maintain our Military forums in conjunction with the

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What Does Star Trek Have to do With Erepublic?

4 Tag 535, 16:48 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Spock: Captain that is highly illogical...
Kirk: What...do..you...(gestures with hands) mean?
Spock: What doesn't Star Trek have to do with Erepublic?
Kirk: I don't...(more pointless gestures and obvious overacting) know...
1. We have boldy gone

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PEACE? ATLANTIS? What is this stuff Stargate?

8 Tag 534, 22:27 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I say we distance ourself from both of them and start a new alliance...
Tell me what would be a good name...

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Is the President's Luck Running Out??!

9 Tag 533, 21:05 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Have you seen the latest articles attacking President Scrabman?
I have...
1. Claire Littleton leaving her position and the press room open:http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/official-white-house-press-release-5-5-09-10-press-secretary--

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Don't Doubt Me: Jon Malcom running for CVP President...

2 Tag 531, 20:13 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hey there,
I think I've seen you around here before.
Sure you always sit in the corner and when the karyoke machine comes on, you think about singing...but you don't. You sit and drink...and drink...
You know why drink...Because your part

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