Germany Just Sexted Me...Eww

Day 547, 20:19 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Hey America,
Well how is it for you today? Oh me, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though.
Saw Star Trek lots of fun, I miss when you sat next to me in the movie theatre.
We used to hold hands and look into each others eyes.
Drink milkshakes with the same straws...and then I find you've been cheating on me with Ireland. War games?? War games?
I'll show you war games America...I will.
I saw you and Ireland making out in the park today, I have my own friends. Israel, Russia, and Romania.
Israel is a great girl by the way, she likes Chinese food and saving money.
Russia's a total whore. That's cool with me. I'm a dude.
Romania has an std. Not saying what it is, but if your infected and you know it CLAP your hands...
Oh btw Germany just sexted me...eww.
But it's all cool, you seem to be somewhat happy and all...with never told me you were a lesbian that would have spiced things up with Japan. You knew I liked asian girls.

If you see Canada tell them not to put foil in the microwave like they did last time.

(this article is just a fun joke, hope you enjoyed.)

(oh and I am