The President Is Not a Nazi...I Repeat He Is Not a Nazi...

Day 553, 19:37 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

He is Vulcan...I'm glad that settles that.
People have attacked Scrabman for many things, even I have been a critic of the Prez. But I can assure that because of Scrabman we have had a much better nation.
Think about some of the stupid stuff that Uncle Sam did...then reflect on the current President.
He is good because unlike the last one he actually thinks about what he does before he does it. He thinks of the consquences of the actions he takes in leading the E-USA.
As any other servant of the country he is responsible for his and his cabinets action.
If they mess up we point to him...He fires or scolds them.
When he messes up we point to him.
But at least he and his cabinet are working...stop before you release another pointless attack article on him.
His way of doing it is better then your way of never doing anything.
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