PTO's and Tanlines is it Summer? Because this Game is Hot...!

Day 554, 18:01 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Well actually I would prefer tanlines over PTO'S any day (or night) of the week.

Ok so according to the White House Press the Hungarians tried to do a political takeover yesterday on Spain.
Why can't people play somewhat fair in this game?
Fight like all the other country's do, backstab and make deals on the forums...
Peace took over South Africa with another PTO. Why are they called Peace when they make so much war?
And were fighting Hungary because of iron?
Didn't another country try to fight us through sneak attack. I think this in Japan in WW2, they lost.
And Indonesia has been pto'd by Romania...ahh it's going to be an eventful summer.
Get out your sunblock, I'll meet you at the beach. I'll be wearing the green speedo.
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