Hintergrund an/aus

Champinator for Congress for a 6th Time!

3 Tag 854, 16:12 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Well the time has come. eSA is free from it's controversial invaders for the time being. Luckily it is close to elections time for Congress, so I will take advantage of the very close timing. I am here to announce my running for Congress in Northern

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A Veil of Sorrow?

20 Tag 842, 15:57 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

A veil of sorrow is descending over eSouth Africa right now; At least what used to be eSouth Africa. Channers have overtaken our Presidency, our so called government, and our dignity. However, we will survive. We will fight till we get our land back.

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Terrorist List

12 Tag 839, 11:36 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

This is a list of the people who are "terrorists" and should be considered as a "threat" to eSA. These people are conspiring against the current "government" and you shouldn't listen to them. They are "fail trolls.&

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My Take On this Crap

15 Tag 837, 15:51 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

WTF!?! I get on my computer thinking, "Boy, I hope Greyhunter won. I hope he sent me a PM asking me to be a minister of something." Then I get on eRepublik and what do I see? I live in Argentina. Then I see the top 5 articles, and one of

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Champinator for Congress for a 6th Time!

2 Tag 825, 14:39 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Hello everyone! I will be running for Congress for a 6th consecutive time. This time I will run in the region of Free State. I ran in Free State only one other time.

In this 6th term I would like to combat the deflation we are having. Prices may

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