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State of the Party Address

0 Tag 915, 17:02 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Hello all NPSA members. I, Champinator, am here to tell you the state of our party and some things we need to do as a whole.

First of all, any members who are not running legit, need to contact Ines about being a blocker in the upcoming

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I'm Back!

3 Tag 915, 16:48 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Track has finally ended so now I will be back on the forums and everything on a regular basis. I am sorry for any inconveniences that I have caused any of you during my decreased activity. I hope now to catch up on all of my work. I know my Party

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OMG! PP Elections!

4 Tag 907, 16:51 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Guess what?................................... .................... It's Party President Election day where you get to vote for a Party President. I am running for Party Hard. Vote for me because I believe that communism is the way to go. Yay

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Champinator for #6 in Western Cape!!!

2 Tag 884, 16:42 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Congressional elections have sprung up again, and it is time to place our candidacies. I, Champinator, shall be running in Western Cape on the 25th. Here is a brief overview of what I plan on doing.


In regards to economics I

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How Bout Dat eSA?

11 Tag 866, 19:37 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

What an interesting turn of events this past month. We get PTOed. We regain control of one region. Then we have a Congressional Elections in which we get 9 out of 10 spots. Of course there was some drama over that. Then we will have CP Elections in

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