My Take On this Crap

Day 837, 15:51 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

WTF!?! I get on my computer thinking, "Boy, I hope Greyhunter won. I hope he sent me a PM asking me to be a minister of something." Then I get on eRepublik and what do I see? I live in Argentina. Then I see the top 5 articles, and one of the is The Fall of The Third Republic. WTF? Then I finally go to the forums and get the scoop. And again, WTF? I was pretty pissed. Words cannot describe it.

So here is my plea to admins. I will be civil this time. PLEASE ban the channers who voted for Ronell in the last hours, and then proceeded to hack Ronell. THEY ARE RUINING THIS GAME. They are making it a terrible place to be. People are po-ed left and right and they're quiting. If you want the game to last and be worth while then ban the multis and channers and PTOers who destroyed eSA and the fun experiences of many. Ban them to eternity. Be the bigger man and do what is right. Come on admin... just do it.