Champinator for Congress for a 6th Time!

Day 825, 14:39 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

Hello everyone! I will be running for Congress for a 6th consecutive time. This time I will run in the region of Free State. I ran in Free State only one other time.

In this 6th term I would like to combat the deflation we are having. Prices may be somewhat cheap but wages are pretty low. In regards to wages, I want to find a way to equal them out. The difference between manufacturing and diamonds is crazy. In this past term we talked about dealing with it, and I wish to continue these talks and fix this problem ASAP. Whether it be the right increase or decrease in taxes, so be it. I would also like to promote PSA companies more.

I am not a PTOer so that is a wonderful reason to vote for me. I got more experience than I know what to do with. I already have 5 terms under my belt so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing. That means that I'm great at this job. So vote for me.

You should vote for me on election day. Just do it.

Official Candidates of the NPSA:

BTW: I am in the Naturalist Party South Africa.

5x Congressman
Proud Member of the NPSA
Ambassador to South Korea, Spain, and Venezuela