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Country President Platform-- Champinator

16 Tag 802, 19:53 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Well the long awaited platform for my attempt at the acquisition of the Country President seat is now available. Here it is. This is my grand master plan for running eSouth Africa while in office. I hope you all read it thoroughly and understand it:

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Champinator: An Autobiography

13 Tag 801, 18:04 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Before I present my platform for my run at the Country President seat, I would like to give you an autobiography of myself. I feel that you should know me pretty well before deciding to vote. So here it is:

I first joined the eWorld on Day 627.

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Champ's Thoughts

13 Tag 800, 17:06 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

What an interesting Congressional elections we had. I just barely got in by the skin of my ballsack.

Did I ever mention that I got the title of Ambassador to Spain and South Korea about a few weeks ago?

How bout that war........ eSA, F***

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0 Tag 797, 14:52 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

I NEED VOTES LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! Vote for experience and a proven leader. Vote for what is best for eSouth Africa. Vote for me. Vote Champinator right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actual platform: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/

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Champinator for Congress in Limpopo!!!

6 Tag 793, 16:06 Veröffentlicht in South Africa South Africa

Due to the current war, this article will most likely be brief and to the point. This will be my fifth time around in Congress should I make it. My 4 previous terms have all been successful with various reached benchmarks. I have also obtained the

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