Hard-boiled wonderland...

Day 1,022, 15:31 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Hi everybody,

i have hesitated to write an article like this for some days. Especially after the land swap with serbia and the turmoil it created i hoped for some more activity besides bitching around, blaming everyone and running for the presidency in the troll empire. But even with my quite low expectations i was disappointed once again. It is time to articulate and discuss some of the issues, which are bugging the whole country and of course myself too.
(Btw, some background music for the mood 😁)

India today - whiny attitude and self-deception

"India is whole again!" was shouted, when USA gave Karnataka back after months of more or less regulated rent. To defend India against various attempts of PTO groups and regaining regional integrity was the two big issues in indian politics. But soon after these things were achieved and while India still was paralyzed by the changes V2 brought down on all eRepublik, it seems some guys forgot about these long and exhausting months, forgetting the whole indian history and shouting "Lets make war!", which changed the course of India.

But, as i fear now, not for the better because what eIndians expect to achieve and what eIndians are able to do are two very different things. Lets get some numbers to illustrate the situation:
- India has a living population of ap. 2.000 players
- 50% of this population are foreign players (including bots and multis)
- the other 50% are indian citizens (also including bots/multis 😁)
- out of these 1.000 eindians are around 150 voting citizens
- out of the 150 voting citizens are around 50 players fighting on the rare occasions of battles
- out of these 50 players are around 15 players dealing more than 100 dmg per battle
- out of these 15 people are 5 the working 'government'...

And additionally, some other random facts:
- the majority of your leading people in the last month come from foreign countries (rl countries...)
- when they go elsewhere/inactive, they most leave void and there is no rl-Indian to jump in
- we have no working congress, whats really bad, because we can't even get all proposals when we want to adjust the taxes to try something new to motivate company owners and workers to come to india. moreover a dead congress means no impulses and no 'checks & balances' of the government. the results are for example the 'surprisingly' absent amounts of gold (Karnataka rental fees...), the undiscussed 'loss' of the official indian bank org (the pw was 'lost') and a president who most likely brazenly lied about the circumstances of the serbian swap
- we have no parties, which are a crucial focal points for erepublik beginners on the area of politics and institutions for a healthy competition between players and their ideals and ideas
- we have no really functioning ministries and government, because on the one hand, there are not enough active, reliable players who accept responsibility and on the other hand, we have automatically a bunch of older players who are used to do everything alone and on their own account (what easily can get out of hands, when they are finally fed up with everything and decide to grab the money/companies and leave this ragged joke of a country. it's pure luck!!! that the ruling people of the past had some decency and didn't robbed India blank every month)
- we have no established communication culture (forum/irc), no entertainment events and no active media what makes it impossible to get in touch with you, the majority of players. At the moment the most people out there seems to be just an uninterested, effortless bunch of post-colonialist sheep, happily arranged with their dependency and waiting for someone to abuse and exploit their blatant wretchedness

In other words and in comparison to other small countries India is dead. At the rare cases when i see some guys talking about making everything better and dreaming about all the tasks we have to do, i mostly see people just denying reality. And because they deny it, failing is programmed. Either its all talk and no substantial work, or its too much work at a time and therefore ending up in depression and burn-out-syndrome sooner or later.

India tomorrow - a small step for a citizen...

Now, after this deliberately insulting, but honest wall of text i'd like to remember you, that i stay in India. Dharma Vardhan asked me, if i want to continue what i have started last month and i didn't hesitate a single second. But you can bet, that i won't sacrifice my real life, my time, energy and health for this country when i see the citizens don't change their attitude. There is so much we can do together. Just let me give you some very easy comprehensible options to think about.

Chose one of these tasks and stick to it for the next month:
-> join the army, because we need a mobile and disciplined army more than everything else
-> revive the congress, because we need reliable congressmen and a discussion about this cursed and devious 'neutrality'-policy
-> get a party working, because every community needs political competition and serious opposition
You see, it needs only three points to compensate and correct all those bad things i am so angry about.

But ofc i know, whiny attitude and self-deception are much easier. In case you want India to stay insignificant and not treated with respect, just keep complaining about phx/eden/whatever and slave-driving the few people who care. Ask others to stay up the whole night, regulate the economy, make the right political decisions and perform the miracle of a babyboom during the coffee breaks...

Jai hind and a friendly wakeup-kick in your guts