Hunger does not make bread bake faster...

Day 1,041, 07:07 Published in India Germany by Iseutz

Hi everybody,

it took some time before I could bring myself to actually enter the race for presidency, but here i am. Not only because its my opinion that it is accompanied by a significant responsibility, but also because it is a little strange to want to be president of a country other than my home-land. Which is (e)Germany in my case. That I finally have decided to compete in eIndia has a number of reasons that simply speak to the order to present myself to the electorate as a possible candidate.

India has several well-known and often discussed problems:
- Low population
- Poorly organized government
- Political neutrality

Presidential candidates usually try to say during their performances, what they want to create and to improve. But they usually make promises which are in 90% of all cases impossible to keep. If we would speak about politicians in real politics, we would probably call these kinds of promises 'blatant lies' to get the approval of naive voters. But in eRepublik it's hard to say how much is manipulative intention and how much naivete, for example, a promised baby boom. And the same takes effect for every major problem in economy, military and community, because the underlying problems are factors hard to to manipulate, mostly influenced by and depending on external effects. Every serious and thoughtful candidate would avoid speaking about acquisitions which he/she knows are nearly impossible to gain.

Unfortunately, I am even worse, because I do not only deny you sweet promises, but tend to rather unpleasant truths. One of those truths is that eIndia is currently extremely unorganized in present state of the game. The immediate sequence is international isolation, constant irritiations and tensions (even with friendly countries), smouldering threats of attacks on our regions and of course virtually uninterrupted political takeover attempts. I really doubt that this situation will change all within a manageable period of time, simply because the prerequisites are not met. But this is exactly what I want to change.

Set the fall, the Indian citizens would appoint me as president; I would have the following priorities:
- Form a working government

and that's about it. All other activities within a government are largely depending on factors that are not in our direct control, therefore its complete nonsense to talk too much about it and lie one's head off about our possibilities. Instead I want to focus on what is, in my opinion, the indispensable, irreplaceable foundation of the success as a nation - to assemble a government with motivated and communicating players to get the finances/economy under control, to organize a reliable military and establish a sustainable international policy. The current status of our government is that we have no functioning communication, that we cultivate only highly insufficient cooperation in everyday life, that big parts of the government have absolutely no idea about our finances and that its not understandable who decides for what reasons about our foreign relations. This is absolutely unacceptable! Especially, because this situation is the obviously confusing and very restricting motivation, that drives players away from eIndia and out of the game. These errors and omissions are so glaring that I am quite convinced it will require at least a whole month to emerge acceptable structures and to articulate a comprehensible political course.

But as complicated and messy as our situation currently is, I haven't lost my hope. I played and developed browsergames for over 10 years and I was almost constantly in positions where I had to assemble smaller and larger teams to be working units. It is pointless to enumerate the many stations of my player’s careers, because the details are without meaning for you. Yet I may mention that each project which I got to work on was a success (ofc some more than others). I had groups of 5 to up to 20,000 (!) players and perceived both organizational tasks as well as political representation.

In the next two weeks until the CP-election, I will inform you how I want to set up my cabinet (I have specific people in mind). I want to introduce more of myself to you and my ideas for a new, stronger and more dignified eIndia. I am of the firm conviction that this country and its players have an enormous potential. To tap into this potential requires a government and a president who have the necessary skills, the necessary amount of time and the necessary character. I can be this president.

And now I do not simply ask for your votes, but for your trust and your assistance. Because without you, India is nothing, no matter who will be the next president.

best regards

In the next articles you will get more information about:
- my shadow cabinet (personnel in the government)
- the different governmental tasks, the current status and my goals
- my general view of the game, its mechanics and its ethics
Of course you can always ask me questions about myself and my ideas in the comment section, on IRC and via ingame messages.