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Currently running Historical events in Irish History

Bolivian Exodus

42 Dia 1,157, 12:35 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Today is a sad day in eRepublik. The destruction of a nation that I considered my eHome for six months is no more. Bolivia, the proud South … mais informações »

Birth of the Irish Army.

10 Dia 1,156, 14:52 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

I am glad to read today the article by our CP CelticTiger announcing the creation of the Irish Army. I agree with the premise that to constantly update and revise something leads to an "Frankenstein" like creation of many different parts that don't

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New Players Read This Article

15 Dia 1,155, 17:24 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello to you all.

I was noticing in the press lately a bunch of articles that were written to aid new players. Guides to teach skills and the hows and

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My Intent to Run...

16 Dia 1,153, 13:05 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

I would like to announce my candidacy for the Dail for the upcoming term. I will be running as a member of the Fenian … mais informações »

When We Don't Follow the Rules....

41 Dia 1,148, 07:02 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


My personal opinion here folks. No need to tell me I am wrong or that I don't know what I am talking about. No name calling needed. I expect trolling, but I don't think that will solve anything either.

An "event" recently

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