My Intent to Run...

Day 1,153, 13:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

I would like to announce my candidacy for the Dail for the upcoming term. I will be running as a member of the Fenian Brotherhood. I have not chosen a region yet but will do so in the next couple of days. I have been a way for a little bit, seeing the eWorld and have now returned to what I consider my eHome and frankly I miss being involved in the Dail.

I am going to try something a little different. Instead of one big manifesto with all kinds of plans and ideas laid out as to "what I will do once elected" I would like people to either comment here on my paper or to PM me with questions. I will do my best to answer them and this way I hope I will give a better impression of my thoughts and philosophies as to how best to improve eIreland.

For those who don't know me and those who have forgotten I have been a active member of eIrish society and the government. I have been a five time Dail member (10 time overall) a long time division commander in the IDF going all the way back to commanding the Dundalk Fusiliers. I was an Ambassador to Bolivia, last Commanding General of the IDF before the position was abolished and had a not so stellar term as MOD. Can't be perfect. I even was a VP candidate. So you can see I am an active member of eIrish society and have well over 1000 posts on the national forums. I may not be an expert on everything but I do keep up on the developments going on.

So please post questions, here and via PM. I will try to give answer to your satisfaction. I hope this will be the start of a closer relationship between the voters and the Dail. That can happen if you vote for me.

Anthony Colby

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