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Currently running Historical events in Irish History

My thoughts on EFTS

7 Dia 1,028, 17:09 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello everyone.
It occurs to me as I write this article that because I am on the east coast of the United Sates that most of the RL Irish citizens who read my articles are probably asleep by now, or at least you should be. I still have a few

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Running for Party President of EFTS

15 Dia 1,026, 18:40 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello Ireland.

I want to announce my candidacy for Party President of the Economic Free Thinkers Society. I have been a member of the party since near the beginning, having been invited by Moomohead soon after his term as CP. Currently I am a

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To All Tank Division Members

4 Dia 1,005, 17:47 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello Division soldiers. Today I am writing as Division Commander and not as editor of An Teorainn Maine. Orders for the week out of the Battle Area are.

1. Register on the IDF Hub.

2. Sign in on the Hub forum

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Giving Credit Where It is Due

4 Dia 965, 17:16 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello everybody. Welcome to V2. It has been a little while since the last issue and a lot has happened since then. In that time Ireland became a two continent nation, fought a war with the UK and kicked butt and entered a whole new version of the

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Social Strategy Game

8 Dia 946, 15:45 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Thoughts on the Game

For a while now I have been thinking about this game and what the point of playing is. I have stated a little of what my thought is in some newspaper comments and some forum threads but I have not really put it all … mais informações »