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Currently running Historical events in Irish History


15 Dia 1,292, 16:39 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Wow. Has it really been three months since I wrote an article? Well I guess it has and I just would like to explain where I went.

Well I didn't go anywhere really. I just got real busy and eLife just had to take a back seat. I apologize for

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The New Dail Term

10 Dia 1,222, 11:53 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello Citizens of Ireland. Once again I am a member of the Dail. That makes seven terms here in Ireland. I am thankful to have served and honored to be able to serve once more.

For those new and returning Dail members you will probably have

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My Qualifications for the Dail

17 Dia 1,217, 17:58 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

My fellow citizens.

In four days we will elect the representatives to the Dail which will help lead Ireland into the future. A future where … mais informações »

Reason, Patience and Unity

41 Dia 1,215, 14:18 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Lately in Ireland there has been a lot of name calling, accusations, and fighting. Not that this is unusual for Ireland but this has reached a level not seen for some time. I will NOT name names. This article is not to lay blame for any actions

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Say NO to the IRA

54 Dia 1,193, 05:17 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Fellow eIrishmen and women.

You may have recently seen a newspaper article written by Maddog Jones proclaiming the creation of the IRA. This IRA as he calls it is the Irish Reunification Association an organization and future political party

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