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trolled hard

To hell with it. Since i have 500 subs ill give a random commenter or 2 sum gold

46 Dia 901, 14:19 Publicado em USA USA

As thanks for subscribing to my retarded paper. Ill probably do something like this when i get to 1000.
You know its going to happen

Also if you unsub

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Jude Connors

8 Dia 900, 18:13 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

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There is no PTO :)

20 Dia 898, 05:21 Publicado em Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sorry serbs :<

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Turd Fergusen

15 Dia 893, 21:11 Publicado em USA USA

If Harrison Richardson becomes PoTUS, im totally appointing you ambassador to Serbia. Make it happen America.

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Thanksgiving is coming early : D

7 Dia 893, 11:28 Publicado em Greece Greece

Get your forks and knives guys

/me gets the gloves, this is a big onemais informações »