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trolled hard

Admin doesnt want us starting epic battles when the War module comes online?

14 Dia 969, 19:54 Publicado em USA USA

Since when do they listen to what we have to say?

Start as many epic battles as possible : D

Also i have 10 100/20/20/10 artillery for 1 gold each and a 100/100/

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At this point its like beating a dead horse.

11 Dia 965, 11:45 Publicado em USA USA

But Admin, you are so full of fail. The !! tab is busted. There was a 3 week public beta and in that time you didn't even fix the economic formulas. Lana. Lisa. Gina. That other gold digger whose name escapes me.Weapon boosters. Ive just noticed

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Its been a while since i laughed (and cried) this hard

8 Dia 961, 22:25 Publicado em USA USA

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What happiness does.

4 Dia 960, 11:11 Publicado em USA USA

It makes that chick in the residential district happier when you use the bed.

But srsly

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If you are quitting send me all your moneys.

13 Dia 960, 08:49 Publicado em USA USA

Thanks in advance.

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