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Question Period: The Questions

24 Dia 2,232, 19:41 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello eCanada,

I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season so far! This will be short and sweet.

Now down to business. As you all know, CP elections are not too far off and our media is dead. Completely dead. It probably will be … mais informações »

{MoD} Winter Approaches

26 Dia 2,222, 11:15 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Good Afternoon eCanada,

As you’ve seen here eCanada is ready for an Airstrike. We’ve chosen the target, now it is time to stock up on the guns!

[img][/img] … mais informações »

[CPF] Press Release

56 Dia 2,142, 16:24 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Greetings eCanada,

Over the past 24 hours, our nation has turned into a venomous and volatile place. In the center of it has been the CPF. We’ve had players accused of … mais informações »

Recognition Where It's Deserved.

36 Dia 2,139, 16:00 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise da guerra Análise da guerra

Greetings eCanada,

I know it has been a long time, but finally I am proud to announce the recipients of two prestigious awards. Firstly along with the help of the two surviving Knight Commanders, [url= informações »

[CPF] Moose in Congress

27 Dia 2,134, 07:15 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Good Morning!

For only the second time in eight months, we will be having congress again. On day Day 2136, I encourage you to vote the CPF candidates and I in the congress … mais informações »