Recognition Where It's Deserved.

Day 2,139, 16:00 Published in Canada Canada by klop123
Greetings eCanada,

I know it has been a long time, but finally I am proud to announce the recipients of two prestigious awards. Firstly along with the help of the two surviving Knight Commanders, Goran Thrax and Connor MacLeod I’d like to present the recipients of the Order of Military Merit.

Shurgu: Per HOPE Commander Blue Bir😛 For your continued service and loyalty to the HOPE MU through various command positions and supplier duties over the past years, as well as your commitment through True Patriot damage to the country of eCanada and regularly repeated 50+ daily kills, I say thank you and congratulations on receiving the Order of Military Merit!

Umbra Bellator: Per former Medics Commander Pat Harper: Umbra showed exceptional ability, not only on the battlefield but in the military unit and government operations on a whole. He saved our skins in many battles and was widely considered alongside Connor Mac as Canada's main TANK. He is a great guy and fully deserves the acknowledgement.

TheCanadianPunk Per Cordis Die Commander Flashgun: TCP is the epitome of excellence. His activity and dedication to our MU are truly commendable. He's been our captain from the moment he's entered our MU, and is the main reason that we continuously have battle orders set. In important battles, you'll see him amongst the leaders, either capturing one or more BHs or the CH. The Order of Military Merit cannot capture the impact that TCP has for our MU and eCanada. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

N e o Per Night’s Watch Commader Foxfire: N E O is a selfless contributor to the Night's Watch. Not only a consistent fighter, but he has generously worked for free so others can have weapons to fight for more than a year.

Cozza Per CAF Commander TheSmoke: I am very happy to see 3 of our fellow CAF members receive this award, as there is no doubt they have earned it. Cozza, our down under brother, hitting at all hours of that Australian land. He is a long time hero of the CAF, and has proved again why.

Armour144 Per CAF Commander TheSmoke: Armour144 hits like no other mother trucker. When damage is needed, he delivers like a carpet bomb. Long time friend, and comrade of the CAF.

ragalanow jadon Per CAF Commander TheSmoke: Ragalanow had been an up and coming member of the CAF, and eCan community as a whole. They size of punch he could pack was amazing, along with his ability to hit exactly when needed. Many nights spent fighting along side him. Truly a soldier who will be missed.

Plugson Per CoI Commander Goran Thrax: He has left us, but his legacy endures. One of eCanada's most beloved citizens of all time, tireless teammate, deep thinker, and patriot. Plugson built and maintained the Captain of Industry program that rewards daily fighting activity from inception until his departure. For engaging countless new players in eCanada's military and doing the hard work to place literally tens of thousands of weapons in the hands of eCanada's soldiers we honour Plugson. o7

Dereck Ryan Per CoI Commander Goran Thrax: The former Commander of CoI who set the stage, and built the infrastructure that eventually propelled CoI into it's preeminent position as eCanada's largest MU. Dereck maintained our largest set of slave pits, spending hours each week putting food and weapons in the hands of soldiers. Even more, when circumstances changed and wouldn't allow Dereck the time to perform all his responsibilities to the standard he set for himself, he gave up the reigns, and coordinated a seamless transition to a new leader. Dereck has always put the team first, and for that we honour him.

Now for the Order of eCanada Recipients:

These were solely decided by me based on the effort put forward bringing the fight to Spain.


Zappie One the people I trust most here in eCanada and always gives his all without hesitation always behind the scenes, I’d like to honour his role and what he has done in the past eight months.

Connor MacLeod Where would we be without Connor? Always fighting the good fight, deserves to have his name on the list of the greats.

Plugson: Need I say more?

Umbra Bellator: Giving his all, we would not have had the success that we did without his assistance.


Bryan Alexander: Always provides assistance at all times, seeking no reward.


Quimbie: A good friend of mine, is deserving of this honour for a great motto, to which all of us should follow.

I would also like to take this time to thank DMV and the Prateorian Guard, along with every ally that fought alongside us for eCanada.

I know I cannot possibly recognize everyone who did their part they played in helping us liberate our lands of the Spanish. I would like to personally thank every one of you for your actions during those hard times. o7

Keep your sticks on the ice,
Be excellent to each other,
Stay Classy eCanada,
