[CPF] Press Release

Day 2,142, 16:24 Published in Canada Canada by klop123

Greetings eCanada,

Over the past 24 hours, our nation has turned into a venomous and volatile place. In the center of it has been the CPF. We’ve had players accused of supporting an an alleged PTO (which is clearly an unfounded accusation). Some went to the extent of creating fake logs in the hopes it would affect the integrity the party. It is not so, CPF remains strong even when faced with adversity.

We must stand here and give a clear message to all these counter-productive forces in our community: NO MORE. The community is tired of all this bickering, of all this mud throwing that has taken place. And it has taken place for what? All so a bunch of our dysfunctional citizens can create a PTO panic and use the CPF as a scapegoat. They think this will transform the CPF into a kind of a new EPIC. The attacks on the CPF have been made only for political gains and have no substantive basis in truth.

Here is where the puck stops, the CPF has been eCanada’s premier party for a long time. And it’s not just us who claim that, it’s what the people have affirmed at every single legislative election we’ve had for the last year or so. We’ve been among the top in leadership, activity, congress and executive membership for quite some time. We have no intent on changing that. The CPF might have started to drift a little, but here is where we sink anchor and make our stand. We will return to our roots and channel our inner Q.

Now we all by now have heard of the so called “triumvirate.” This dysfunctional coalition has not relented in slandering CPF over our choices (which are ours to make, not the other parties) and attempting to blame us for all things wrong in eCanada. They even went as far as accusing us of PTOing eCanada, our home. Then some people decided it would be fine to create and distribute fake logs in attempt to ruin our reputation. Disgusting move really. It really is a shame.

On to CP elections now. As most of you have already found out Acacia and DMV both have dropped out of the race. Our new selection is Addy Lawrence. We may not agree with all the individuals in his cabinet, but the CP chooses the leadership team that will be successful, so it’s not about who. This will be done as soon as TheSmoke can get on to change who the party supports.

We have to say, that as a party, we have never let Canada down and never will. We’ve always been here with solutions, and it was during the tenure of a CPF president that Canada finally managed to get rid of the Spanish occupation by signing a sustainable peace treaty. We’ve always been here fighting for Canada and helping other fight for it. If some of our congressman, for example, have decided to grant citizenship to US citizens, it was by our sovereign right to do so, and in our view, it was done in the best interest of Canada.

We will reiterate our NO MORE stance:
NO MORE libel!
NO MORE dishonesty!
NO MORE trolling!

CPF is not here to PTO our country, we are here to serve it. We are willing to work with other parties, as we have done in the past to create a better eCanada. The question now is, are they?

Stay Classy… oh wait

Long Live the Q,
vPP of The Canadian Progressive Front