Question Period: The Questions

Day 2,232, 19:41 Published in Canada Canada by klop123
Hello eCanada,

I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season so far! This will be short and sweet.

Now down to business. As you all know, CP elections are not too far off and our media is dead. Completely dead. It probably will be until the New Year's celebrations are done with so why not add another article into the mix.

I will be running a question period with all the CP candidates. Namely, in no specific order: Claire Louise, Addy Lawrence, TemujinBC & I-Bleed-Blue-93. As to not draw them (and myself) out of any holiday festivities, instead of holding a IRC Question Period, they will be included in one PM for responses, and then on the 3rd/4th the answers will be published for all to see.

Have a question you'd like to ask to all or one candidate: Fill this out! or post in the comment section below!

I will also have some questions lined up, remember ask anything!

Best Wishes in the New Year to you & your family!

Stay Classy,