{MoD} Winter Approaches

Day 2,222, 11:15 Published in Canada Canada by klop123
Good Afternoon eCanada,

As you’ve seen here eCanada is ready for an Airstrike. We’ve chosen the target, now it is time to stock up on the guns!

Get Ready!

An airstrike provides a difficult task once launched -> landing successfully. We’ll need all the support and coordination, not to mention damage to succeed! Here is where I ask you to give a little this holiday season. Please sign up to be a supplier or give generously to the Executive! Remember to save your bombs, EBs, gold and tanks for the big fight!

Sign up to be a supplier here: Signup!

If you don’t have the time to supply please donate some weapons or currency:


I promise to all of you we will strike soon! We will strike fast and hard. o7

Thank you to our donors:

Please comment below for some gifts!

Stay Classy eCanada,