My endorsement, for what it's worth...

Day 737, 15:28 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka

I've been reviewing the Presidential candidates for Czech Republic, and what do I find?

Weinfass has been selected by Nezavislost.

I cannot think of a better candidate for President. He has shown dedication and wisdom for many months. And I know him well, and I think you've got an extremely trustworthy person there.

Weinfass is also an inclusive person. He is not a native/IRL Czech, but I am sure that he will ensure that is balanced out in the way he makes up his cabinet.

In terms of the other candidates, I don't really know much about them apart from Vit Ruzicka - who has been an active and loyal Czech citizen for a long time. Vit would also make a good president, but perhaps not just now - perhaps he might be Vice-President to a President Weinfass.

Anyways, this is none of my business. Just throwing in my view on the country of my ebirth, and for whom I still hold much high esteem.

Franz Kafka