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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

Me? President? What now?

11 Day 658, 19:54 Published in USA USA

Hello eAmericans. Just another day in the tumultuous eRepublik for us. Well I'm sure you have things to do, so I'll only take up a moment of your time...but please hear me out.

Well eAmerica is in a tense position. In such times, we need

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3 Day 631, 21:15 Published in USA USA

That imperialist Russia has done it! It has taken over the region I live in which is a high oil region btw...

I hate this...I lost all my US money and am broke. Totally broke...I do not like this PEACE alliance I hear so much about and have no

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Raffle! (you thought I was going to say lottery)

1 Day 616, 14:10 Published in USA USA

Participate please 🙂read more »

Raffle! (you thought I was going to say lottery)

0 Day 616, 10:47 Published in USA USA

Awesome lottery. Please take a look.

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Raffle! (you thought I was going to say lottery)

2 Day 616, 08:37 Published in USA USA

Here's how it works.

Raffle tickets are worth 0.1 gold. You can buy as many tickets as you want.

Each ticket you buy will be given a number. At the end, I will randomly pick a number from the collection.

The grand prize winner will

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