Me? President? What now?

Day 658, 19:54 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Hello eAmericans. Just another day in the tumultuous eRepublik for us. Well I'm sure you have things to do, so I'll only take up a moment of your time...but please hear me out.

Well eAmerica is in a tense position. In such times, we need presidents who will be a president for the sake of being someone to change the eWorld for the better. Oh wow, so much melodrama! But then take a moment to think. Imperialists who try to satisfy a craving for control in the Internet: What kind of people do you think they are in real life? Maybe not terrible people, but certainly I would have my second thoughts on them. Is it surprising why I would feel this way?...

I want to be your president. Some former eIllinois citizens may remember me. If you were to look back on my former speeches when I did some running...


That one being most representative, although a little outdated. So I will quickly clarify a few pertinent issues I was thinking of...

The war (and its relation to taxes)

Ok. What are we going to do? Well, in the speech linked above, I called for moderate tax raises. That is still applicable, and even more so with the war going on in our country right now. After we win this thing (I will do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure we WILL win) we will have to rebuild some of the infrastructure in our states and even now, we need funding for the war. However, I do suspect that perhaps with citizens donating to war efforts already, perhaps a smaller tax increase would be more appropriate. I think I speak for everyone when I say this: Donations are appreciated!!!

What kind of an operation do you think you're trying to run?!?!?!

The best one ever. What else do you need?

Ok ok, obviously you'll need more info. The thing is presidents sometimes see these positions as jobs. When we take such a mindset, it leads only to the worst possible rule. Ruling righteously for the benefit of the people is probably one of the most difficult things ever, but with ME, no worries. I will be an active, considerate president.

Considerate? Active? Prove it!

Well, I won't give out too much yet, but one of the ideas I have is making an organization specifically for citizens calling a referendum. That's right. Mail it, and every 3 days, suggestions on pertinent issues will be sent in and then, for the remaining 4 days of the week everyone votes. Yes thats right! Get your voice in! No senator will be able to vote against something and justify it as "the voice of the people" that it? You must be the lamest campaigner ever.

No. I've yet to announce all of my plans (I still have 26 days, be patient), but rest assured, I am going to do my best to convince you why I care about eAmerica. That's right. Care. Not just want to have a shiny medal on my profile (although that would be cool). Why I care. I am an idealist at heart and throughout the month, will take you through a journey of my mind. I hope you stay tuned to what I have to say.

And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask questions about my thoughts if you want. Even if you think I will be a lousy president, you can test me with a question. Just ASK A QUESTION. I must get to know every single detail of what people care about.

I also ask that you vote this article and tell people about me. I want to make an impact in this world. (Why else would I study economics and try to apply to such colleges that teach it well?)

Thank for your time. Hope that wasn't too much of a burden for you to read (I hope the small bits of humor thrown in help)

Exeunt Stage right!
