Day 631, 21:15 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

That imperialist Russia has done it! It has taken over the region I live in which is a high oil region btw...

I hate this...I lost all my US money and am broke. Totally broke...I do not like this PEACE alliance I hear so much about and have no idea why they are attacking us, but I know this: I WANT OUT!!!

Unfortunately...I CAN'T MOVE OUT CUZ I'M BROKE!!!

Gosh I have never been so angry in one of my articles...

So why am I writing this? To scream out to everyone NOT TO LET THIS HAPPEN TO CUZ PEACE IS NOT WHERE WE WANT TO BE IN.


I would also very much appreciate that someone donate me a gift of moving tickets...2 please if you can...*sighs*

I encourage all eAmericans out there to do what they can to support eAmerica. PLEASE! We can't lose this war...
