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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

Me? Congress? In Slovakia because it's cool.

7 Day 790, 11:29 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Hi guys. I usually write one of these kinds of articles when running for Congress. Not sure where I'm going to run yet, as apparently I need to run in the best possible spot. Rest assured though, I will run and hopefully, with all of your support, I

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Hey eSlovakians! I'm giving free money!

9 Day 778, 19:54 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

I have 58 subscribers right now. Hmm...5.8% there to being media mogul. Not HORRIBLE, but could be better. So how to get subscribers? Offer money to people.

So for you lucky Slovakians who can read English and who actually think that my newspaper

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For the eAmerican citizens out there!

0 Day 777, 11:50 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Hey you guys!

Ever since the failing at Heliojiang and Inner Mongolia, there is SOOOO much hating going on.

It is understandable. We all have that tendency to blame someone. But hey! It's a new year and new things will come to the eUSA! Just

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An official Hello!!!

11 Day 775, 19:10 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Hi eSlovakians! I've come from eUSA in the prospect of trying to help politically in an EDEN country after having failed multiple times to get into Congress for eUSA. Hopefully, I will be welcomed, even though I am not actually Slovakian, and that I

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Plans for a random citizen

4 Day 775, 12:44 Published in USA USA


After failing at Congress here in eAmerica (even though that's mostly my fault in planning) I have decided to go to eSlovakia to pursue some, what I hear is, desperately needed politics. Or soemthing like that. I have a good chance at

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