Me? Congress? In Slovakia because it's cool.

Day 790, 11:29 Published in Slovakia Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Hi guys. I usually write one of these kinds of articles when running for Congress. Not sure where I'm going to run yet, as apparently I need to run in the best possible spot. Rest assured though, I will run and hopefully, with all of your support, I will be able to you all well.

What? Who are you?

Just a guy who tried running for Congress in eAmerica, but apparently there are a lot or REALLY experienced people there. Here, it might be easier for me to help make a difference. With all this experience I have, I hope to finally use it to go into politics and make a better eWorld.

So....your beliefs?

It's a very different time zone right now, so all I can say is, read my past articles. They are treasure troves of information. Rest assured though, I will, when asked, tell you a whole lot more about mysef (a whole lot more as in a whole LOT more). Also I like pancakes. Oh, and I will genuinely try to do good for eSlovakia.

Short article, but I think quaint and to the point. If you need more info, I'll give it to you. Thanks for reading!


P.S. My most recent campaign is probably my most organized, and it is also most relevant, but you don't need to know that unless you want to read my past articles.