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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

And the results are....

3 Day 804, 14:20 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Well, it's only day 804, but people stopped buying tickets after Day 802. So here's the scoop.

I sold 50 tickets, which means we got 2.5 gold. Ok, not bad I guess, it's the most successful lottery I've been able to run EVER. And I have 10 more

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A raffle to help eSlovakia? Maaayybbbee?

25 Day 799, 16:37 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Hi guys. I've decided to do another one of these raffles, except this time, no gold goes to me. Not a penny for this raffle. I'm crazy right?

Not really.

Let's make this nice and simple. You can question my sanity later.


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Speech! Speech! Speech!!! XD

4 Day 798, 10:33 Published in Slovakia Slovakia


Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am proud to say that I have won your votes of confidence and am now a eSlovakian congressman. I want to take some time to thank everyone who voted for me and to say that I will do my best during … read more »

Today is the big day!!!

9 Day 797, 17:18 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Theme music anyone? I dunno...

Hi guys. I just want to remind all you voters out there to do your duty and vote! The voices of the people will be

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Official Ballot!!! And the PTOers.

24 Day 796, 19:24 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Vote the article up!

EDIT: Here's an official government link of who to vote for too: more »