Hey eSlovakians! I'm giving free money!

Day 778, 19:54 Published in Slovakia Czech Republic by milestailsprower

I have 58 subscribers right now. Hmm...5.8% there to being media mogul. Not HORRIBLE, but could be better. So how to get subscribers? Offer money to people.

So for you lucky Slovakians who can read English and who actually think that my newspaper can do SOME things, here's an offer for you all. In fact, tell you other friends too about this.


Simply post that you have recently subscribed. Try to note which subscription number you are too. Do this in the comments section. You will then get a prize.

Tell other people too! When you refer other people to subscribe, please tell them to mention you. I would like to give you all an extra bonus for each person you tell. More on that soon...

If you are already a subscriber to my newspaper, please, do not hesitate to invite others too. Like I said, you get rewards 😉

Now remember though, if someone says they subscribes and they don't I shall be very angry. >🙁 Likewise if someone unsubscribes after they get my little gift for doing so, I shall be angry too. I wish for you all to subscribe and stay subscribed. Why? Because I have worthwhile things to say. Such as Spain just took out North Calais, France's last region with a Q5 hospital. I tend to spout useful news tidbits like these. Also, you get to hear how cool I am occasionally 😉

So, now the part we all want to hear. Rewards. Here's how it'll work.

YOU subscribe (whether referred, or on your own): 0.08 Gold and 1 ticket for the lottery when I decide to end this limited time offer.

When you get credited for referring someone: I would give more lottery tickets, but seeing as the only way you get credited is if the person posts that you did it, I'm going to give a random amount of money away of varying sizes (and currency) , depending on how I feel.

So what does this all mean? It means I'm being super generous 🙂 I'll stop this only when it gets a bit over 100 subscribers. Not 1000. Then I'd be broke. But 100 for now.

So start speaking to all you know! Get the word out!

And to be honest, I DO post generally somewhat important information here.


P.S. The lottery is a surprise! How much money will go in it? Wee!!! I'm not telling 😃