On Mickey Mouse Alliances and Family Relations

Day 1,134, 11:24 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

An article published late on Day 1,133 has stirred up some discussion about old time alliances and a new mutual defense pact, or as the author put it, “My response to Europe? F*** That.” Written by St Krems, the Secretary of State and MoFA the eUS, It’s Time for a Change lays out a proposal for a shift away from Euro-centric war-games towards a Pan-American Alliance defending the interests of the Americas, with the inclusion of Japan and perhaps France.

Quick update on eCanada’s current state of relations with the eUS, yesterday we regained our MPP with them after losing it through a short tryst we had with Mexico, which may or may not have inspired a jealous ‘Natural Enemy’ rage in our Bros that culminated in our Mexican MPP being stamped out via their total occupation.

Or in dramatic form…
CAN: “I was a fool to jeopardize our MPP. It was all just a misunderstanding.”
USA: “Now that Juan’s no longer in the picture, will you take me back?”
CAN: “38-1, yes! Bros forever?"
USA: “I was thinking…we should get serious, make a commitment. Let’s talk PANAM.”
CAN: >

Tune in to the next episode to find out if eCanada takes the plunge. Will a recent spat with France get in the way of warming Franco-merican relations? Will the Canucks seek EDEN-family approval from curmudgeonly Grampa România for the new union?

Here’s what the lay-citizen knows for the moment, as stated in St Krems’ press release:
“The PANAM Charter has been submitted to the congresses of Brasil, Japan, Argentina, Canada, and The United States of America for ratification and is being passed as we speak.”

Now seems a good time to consider the implications of involving eCanada in PANAM. Consider contacting your Congressman if you have any concerns or interests regarding the ratification of the PANAM Charter. The passing of the MPP with Mexico has taught us that it’s best to pay heed to what Congress signs. Keep an eye out for any official responses and think about what they may or may not be saying.

That’s plenty serious for one day. Time to lighten things up. The PANAM Charter video is one of the more unique ways to launch a new alliance. As Krems said, the actual charter is being drawn up. So, the best we can do is tease out a few tidbits from the Rammstein Moon Landing to anticipate what might come:

“Without prejudice we stand together against Mickey Mouse style alliances”

Mommy, I want to get a picture with Mickey Mouse, but the teargas makes it hard to smile.

“We have all decided EuroDisney is really gay, so we are going to do our own theme park”

oh Amerika…wunderbar…think I’ll have me a double shot of Jack

Dio is the truth and anyone who doesn’t agree, just doesn’t know Dio’s path yet.

Death to the Infidels and Fidelity to the Death? I just wanted to sit on Goofy's lap.

“We hereby form a mutual defense pact and we shall call it PANAM. It’s leadership shall be elected by equal vote of member nations and our mascot shall be Mickey Mouse.”

Phone call, por favor?....Sorry, Mexico Mouse, they don’t take CAD for bail bonds.

I call dibs on the Tilt-a-Whirl. Anyone want to take a spin with me?
Never mind the cost of admission; we have unending pot to cover that.