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[CONCURS] Universuri paralele

10 Day 1,418, 15:56 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In lumea bidimensionala numita eRepublik, in ziua 1418 ora 0 si 15 minute un personaj cu nume haios de matematician de mana a treia se trezi din somn. Casca de vreo cateva ori si isi intinse bratele micute. Avusese o seara destul de dificila, il

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Poland enters the war...

11 Day 1,388, 03:06 Published in Romania Romania Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Now finally something is happening.

Poland has finally decided to enter the war directly with Eden countries and not thru fights in Hungary or Serbia. This will be fun.

Let's see how Eden and

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Complexity is the fail

11 Day 1,385, 01:52 Published in Romania Romania Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

I made this comment today in an article referring to One and Serbia situation.

It sounds strange, but it is actually true. The more complex a machinery is, the more difficult it is to repair it- once it is broken. We build such complex artefacts

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Serbia, Eden, chestii socoteli

11 Day 1,382, 04:43 Published in Romania Romania Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Pentru Serbia azi e o zi mare. E ziua in care vom propune un nou tratat, am vazut ca cel pe care l-am avut nu le-a convenit. Felicitari tuturor pentru lupte si sa fie intr-un ceas bun. A fost un efort mare al Eden, sa speram ca mai avem resurse si

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58 Day 1,380, 02:51 Published in Romania Romania Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Last days we witnessed how Serbia is going thru a lot of pain from Eden countries. The latest campaign seems to be focused completely on destroying Serbia colonies and is going now into the core regions. Romania + Croatia + Bulgaria are all

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