
Day 1,380, 02:51 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

Last days we witnessed how Serbia is going thru a lot of pain from Eden countries. The latest campaign seems to be focused completely on destroying Serbia colonies and is going now into the core regions. Romania + Croatia + Bulgaria are all attacking, coordinated with RWs in regions of Bosnia and Ukraine.

There has been a lot of discussion in Romania recently after the failed treaty and after Serbia took its revenge into wiping out Romania. Many have blamed politicians for failing to observe the treaty. Let's face it- the treaty was doomed. With or without it, sooner or later either Serbia or Hungary would have attacked us. We should not waste time with this issue.

But on the other hand, we should not lose our head and go for revenge. I know times look good now for us against Serbia, but I respect Serbia a lot and this is not how it should be.

I just hope these last events would be a lesson for Serbia to see who the real enemies are and figure out that the one who attacks you is not necessarily the enemy, but maybe the one who should come to the rescue- and it's not...