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1 Day 1,341, 09:34 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Unfortunately I dont have a newspaper in Norway.

Still...I hope all eRep players are ok and noone has been harmed in yesterday tragic events in Oslo.

All my compassion from me, and sorry for RL spam.

Vaere sterk Norge!

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EDEN is winning the war

4 Day 1,339, 08:57 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The title is not a joke. EDEN will soon win the war. Thanks to admins.

This time is for real. Not sure you've noticed the latest addition of missions + medals, especially the medal for mercenary fights. I dont want really to go into details,

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Don't mess with us...

6 Day 1,339, 04:00 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Partidul Melcilor Albastri propune dezbaterii publice urmatoarea tema: modificarea denumirii de "deer" in cea de "goat" (in romaneste capre) la regiuni.

Fundal sonor si vizual (cu intermezzo

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Partidul Melcilor Albastri- rebranding PMR

16 Day 1,338, 03:28 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Intrucat vine vara si au loc schimbari de tot felul in toate domeniile, am facut un mic rebranding la Partidul Managerilor Romani.

Incepand de azi Managerii Romani se vor transforma in [url=

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The Golden Age

11 Day 1,336, 03:34 Published in Romania Romania Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Cred ca nu exista roman sadea care sa nu stie ce e aia "Epoca de Aur". Insa nu despre asta e vorba in articolul acesta, ci mai degraba despre "Varsta de Aur".

In acest articol nu as vrea sa ma refer la reminiscente comuniste, ci sa fac o mica

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