Complexity is the fail

Day 1,385, 01:52 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

I made this comment today in an article referring to One and Serbia situation.

It sounds strange, but it is actually true. The more complex a machinery is, the more difficult it is to repair it- once it is broken. We build such complex artefacts which work wonderfully, but we are in big trouble once they start failing. Some of the damage cannot even be repaired and we need to replace the machinery.

What has this got to do with eRepublik?

Well...we have two machineries to compare in eRepublik.

On one side, it is the humble Eden. The countries have been erased many times in the last months, the financial situation of the countries is not the best. And what is even more interesting, the structure of the "machine" is actually inexistent. The Eden pact expired long time ago, there is no "machinery" to keep all these countries functioning together as a brotherhood.

And yet they still do. We fight for Croatia, Bulgaria, China, Greece and all the others. We also fight together with Terra countries. And they fight for us. We help each other. And we need no piece of paper wonderfully drafted up to tell us what to do.

On the other side, we have One. A wonderful machine, with a wonderful treaty covering so many clauses and situations. A beautiful work of diplomacy and negotiation- no wonder a good work from Polish or Hungarian military and diplomatic people. Every thing is clear- every one knows what they have to do and what they dont have to do- and what will happen if they dont do what they are supposed to do.

And yet, this does not account for the relation between the countries. Such a wonderful machine will fail miserably once some problem occurs. Remember Phoenix? Despite all the propaganda saying that the dismantling of Phoenix was done on purpose, the fact is that the wonderful treaty of Phoenix failed to keep countries any longer together. France left, Russia left, Bulgaria left. Dismantling of Phoenix was the last solution to total meltdown.

And before that...what was before that? I dont even remember. What was the name of their alliance? See...complexity is the fail, and it will always be.
Brothers will be brothers without the piece of paper.