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The Russian Campaign, Day 1006

11 Day 1,006, 06:10 Published in USA USA

The word for the day is "SIBERIA"

Yesterday we had two amazingly awesome epic super-cool wins! First we took [

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Free guns !

7 Day 1,001, 07:11 Published in USA USA

Some of my friends and I have some leftover guns from V1 ... they mutated into Q1 rifles. Most of us have been carrying them around as extra baggage and would be glad to donate them. Free!!


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Leadership Rules

15 Day 981, 05:36 Published in USA USA

The word for the day is "Good Leadership"

Leadership is hard. Too many people confuse it with authority and power. And too many in positions of authority are not good leaders. A good leader doesn't need authority to lead; just ask [url=

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Embrace Chillin' and Be Happy!

19 Day 966, 13:12 Published in USA USA

The word for the day is "Happiness"

The admins are European, and want us Americans to be more like them. I know, I know, we're all upset about the Happiness in V2. But think a minute! What's wrong with America?!? RL-

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Attack! Attack! Attack!

10 Day 940, 06:12 Published in USA USA

The battle to liberate Liaoning is the only battle. Because it could be the last battle.

Need I say more?
(Thank you Tacitus Arkenseale for the quote)

Forget Spain, forget Karnataka, forget Alaska, WE'RE TAKING ANOTHER RUN AT [url=http:

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