Attack! Attack! Attack!

Day 940, 06:12 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The battle to liberate Liaoning is the only battle. Because it could be the last battle.

Need I say more?
(Thank you Tacitus Arkenseale for the quote)

Forget Spain, forget Karnataka, forget Alaska, WE'RE TAKING ANOTHER RUN AT LIAONING!


You will have to move to Beijing. If you're still in Karnataka, this is a good time to move to California, with a stop in BEIJING. Beijing has a Q5 hospitals and all Americans are welcome. The battle ends after 23:30 eRep.


Yes, this was a surprise. I assume the big-heads in the Pentagon decided Serbia was still suffering after the last attack, we had recovered enough resources, and when Phoenix started wars in all directions, boom, we pulled a surprise attack on Liaoning.

Russia attacked Alaska earlier. The USA strategically retreated and our bros in Canada immediately attacked Russian occupied Alaska. Combined with a RW this has pinned the Russians--while the attack is active they can't attack anywhere else. (This comes straight from DoD orders-read and obey!)

As we prepare to move to V2, this could be a fitting end to V1: An epic battle in China that could knock Serbia out of the game and completely defeat Phoenix! This is the victory that half a dozen presidents and the JCS has been planning for months.

liaoning. liaoning! Liaoning!! LIAONING!!! LIAOOOONIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!