The Russian Campaign, Day 1006

Day 1,006, 06:10 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word for the day is "SIBERIA"

Yesterday we had two amazingly awesome epic super-cool wins! First we took Eastern Siberia early afternoon EST, then Western Siberia in the evening. Eastern Siberia was especially sweet after Russia retreated the day before, then immediately re-attacked to get the prime-time end of battle advantage. Didn't work!

Great battles and great wins! Eastern Siberia has high Oil, Titanium and Stone. Western Siberia has high Oil, Stone, and Iron. Together these are two of the richest regions in the eworld and the core of Russia's economic strength.

How did we win with the combined might of Phoenix against us? Wonderful real-time, battle-field coordination among the combined military forces of the USA and all of EDEN. Thanks, Bros!

Lone soldiers in V2 are simply cannon fodder. If you jump into a battle alone, without coordinating with others on your side, the enemy will swarm you and destroy you. More than ever, the coordination of being on IRC and in the military is essential to making you an effective fighter.

Now, if you look at these battlefields and think "WTF?!?", why are China and Nork Korea fighting in Eastern Siberia and the USA and North Korea fighting in Western Siberia, DO NOT BE ALARMED. These are blocking battles by our allies to prevent Phoenix from re-attacking the regions. Think of them as training wars.

Sossu's Front Line Journal has a deeper analysis of the strategic situation. His articles remind me of Aero's articles back in the day.

Look for more epic battles ... our soldiers are cold in Siberia and want to head west to warmer regions!

Zheng He