Embrace Chillin' and Be Happy!

Day 966, 13:12 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word for the day is "Happiness"

The admins are European, and want us Americans to be more like them. I know, I know, we're all upset about the Happiness in V2. But think a minute! What's wrong with America?!? RL-America, I mean?

We all work too doggone hard, doggone it!

It's standard in Europe for new employees to get 4 weeks vacation. In America? 2 if you're lucky, 1 if not. Many European countries get 3 to 4 weeks paid Government holidays. What does the USA have? 5 or 6 days? In Europe, it's normal to get 8 to 18 months of paid parental leave! In the USA we get 6 weeks, plus another 6 of unpaid leave. (What's the difference between "unpaid leave" and getting "laid off"? No unemployment checks, that's what!) And don't even say "paternal leave" in the US or you'll be ridiculed.

What's our other big problem? LACK OF SLEEP!!! Sleep deprivation leads to obesity, depression, alcohol abuse, and a steady degradation of IQ (if you're already sleep depraved, that means no sleep makes us stupid).

So, yeah, working 8 hours a day, studying 8 hours, and training 8 hours, 7 days a week, makes us unhappy.

In real life, we chill out on the weekends and sometimes even take vacations. V2 is simply asking us to chill more. Sometimes 4, sometimes up to 6, 8, or even 12 hours day. Be more like the Euros!

Now here is my suggestion for the admins. If we miss a day (don't do our 8-clicking), the game should assume we chilled all day. That is, defualt to 24 hours of rest. Stay offline Saturday and your Happy should go up!

Next week we get to start fighting. Now that makes me happy!

Zheng He

PS : Did you notice the word of the day is only one word? Take that, Astra Kat!

PPS : Did you notice lots of pictures, but no gratuitous boobs? Take that, HR!

PPS: Here is a good V2 noob guide