The Truth

Day 519, 09:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

You may remember a recent smear campaign. You may remember many of our finest politicians being accused of spying. You may remember Logamac trying to convince us our president is the ring leader of these spys.

Well here is the sinister truth.

Logamacs name is a codeword. It is actually 'log in base a of Mac'. Yes Mac. The prefix of an evil food corporation. Logamac, or Mac, was trying to bring down as many government officals as possible, so MacDonalds agents could take power, and use it to help monopolise the food industry.

So if you want your nation to be force fed fast food to the point where whaling becomes the national sport, than listen to Logamac. But if you want a decent country, listen to the voice of reason.

The best place to listen to it?

The UK forums: