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Opinions of a Wizard Who Is on His quest to defeat darkness

Tale of an American Boy

16 Dan 849, 22:38 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

About Pakistan

From the Deserts in Sindh to the snow covered peaks in N.W.F.P Pakistan is filled with beautiful scenery that makes one fall in love with this country. Pakistan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The name … preberi več »

Pakistan Strongly Condemns Australian attack and breach of NAP

24 Dan 848, 18:01 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

Official Press Release
Date😛 17th March 2010
Department of Foreign Affairs.
Government of Pakistan

Pakistan Condemns Australian Attack on Indonesia

Respected Citizens of the New World,

Australia has defied all … preberi več »

Guide For Pakistani Players on How to Level Fast

5 Dan 847, 10:27 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

A Beginner's Guide to eRepublik For Pakistani Citizens

First day of Signing up
Ok First and Most Basic things you have to do:
- Get a Job for Skill level 0
- Go to Work
- Buy food for inventory
- Upload an Avatar
- Train for

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Important Message for all Pro Pakistanis

7 Dan 847, 09:37 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

Dear Pro Pakistanis Brothers,

First of all I would like thank you for electing me President of Pro Pakistani Party. I would do everything in my power to do justice with the party and country. We need you to be ready for upcoming congress

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A Clarification on Recent Non-Sense

15 Dan 846, 22:48 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

The Recent False Propaganda

I have been noticing that for the Past few days it appears that Pakistani Media has been hijacked by a bunch of people who are trying to portray member of Pro Pakistani Party in wrong light. Let me remind these … preberi več »