Pakistan Strongly Condemns Australian attack and breach of NAP

Day 848, 18:01 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Official Press Release
Date😛 17th March 2010
Department of Foreign Affairs.
Government of Pakistan

Pakistan Condemns Australian Attack on Indonesia

Respected Citizens of the New World,

Australia has defied all treaties and resorted to aggression by breaking NAP that was signed between eIndonesia and eAustralia. Pakistani Nation Strongly condemns these attacks on Indonesian soil.

Message From President of Pakistan

Cabinet Meeting held at Presidential House In Islamabad

In an Urgently called Cabinet Meeting here in Islamabad by President of Pakistan Pak_Land decision to support Indonesia with Pakistani Troops was made. Mr President said “We condemn this act of aggression from Australia, they have no respect for their word, I hereby issue orders to citizens of Pakistan to fight for Indonesia." Pakistani Troops Joined Indonesian Army in defending their Land and will continue to do so whenever needed.

Australia Should Apologize and Pay 2000 Gold to Indonesia

Pakistan Officially demands that Australian President offers a public apology to the world especially citizens of Indonesia and pay Indonesia the sum of 2000 Gold for breach of NAP. EDEN has once again has proven to have no moral standing in the New World, any credibility that EDEN might have had is now lost. EDEN who pretends to be sole Saviour of the world has shown the world once again that their words lack integrity and credibility. We are with the people of Indonesia in this time and will continue to support them until it is over and we know that Indonesia will do the same for Pakistan.

President of Pakistan Pak_Land said "Indonesians are like brothers, Pakistanis and Indonesians are one." We hereby request to the citizens of the new world to come forward and sign "Open Letter" that addresses this breach of NAP from Australia. We demand that Indonesia is paid 2000 Gold as agreed in NAP along with an apology.

I will be easily approachable to Government of Indonesia and will be willing to offer any support possible in these times. Indonesia is our ally and we will stand by them always.

Pakistani Soldiers After killing some Australian Troops

Protests against Australia inside Pakistan

Strong public reaction was recorded in Pakistan, Australian Flags were burnt down in public protest in Peshawar, and people of Pakistan were seen chanting slogans like "Real men keep their word, Australians aren't Real men"

Protesters Burning Australian Flags in City of Peshawar

I hereby conclude my Urgent press release by requesting everyone to sign the open letter below:

Sign It Here

Ahsan Shahbaz
Minister of Foreign Affairs