Tale of an American Boy

Day 849, 22:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
About Pakistan

From the Deserts in Sindh to the snow covered peaks in N.W.F.P Pakistan is filled with beautiful scenery that makes one fall in love with this country. Pakistan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The name Pakistan comes from Urdu & Farsi word “Pakistan” which means "The Land of Pure." We all love the country we are born in, and I am blessed to be a Pakistani.

Beautiful Mountains of Pakistan

A True Pakistani has a strong connection between his heart and his motherland. It is also true that some liars and enemies of the nation will try to pollute this beautiful land of pure with their dirt and impurity. The recent propaganda by our very own "American Boy" is nothing more than an attempt to pollute the minds of innocent Pakistanis. Yet he keeps on failing in his vicious ambitions. Today I have decided to tell people of Pakistan the reality of this “American boy”

The Tale of an American Boy

American Boy hugging some of his friends in an inappropriate way

I met him during my young days, at the time I was young I wanted to bring a revolution in my country so I came out as a rebel to Pakistani Regime often criticising their ways. I wanted to change Pakistan, and there he was standing right in front of my eyes when I first saw him during my trip to United States to get some military experience. He came to me and said "Are you the one who wants to bring revolution in Pakistan." I look around and replied "Yes." He replied "Consider me your solider." I looked at him and said "Changing the country needs a lot of patience do you have that" He replied "Yes."

I agreed to bring him to "Land of Pure" and there he was trying to gain my trust and I was naive to believe everything he said. I was unable to comprehend his hidden agenda. Soon we gave this "American Boy" our trust and gold. Due to our alliance with DIU on political field we nominated him Secretary of Treasury which is equal to Minister of Finance in Pakistani Cabinet. There he was sitting on all our party cash and gold and we trusted him with it

American Boy a Thief

He was running the party owned companies without any planning, no tax change to help the country’s economy was proposed. When asked why he isn’t working on taxes he said “Taxes don’t matter who cares about them.” His lies about a successful economy started becoming clear when our party members realized that the gold we gave him for the betterment of the country is going down the drain and making losses, so we decided to remove him from this position.

American Boy Stealing our Gold

This "American Boy" who considered himself the king of Gold owned by our party did not welcomed a technical party decision and started acting like an emotional teenager. There he was fighting with us over little things like "why did you replace me?", "I am the best" and “I am an American give me back my birth right” and other stuff that made him look like 15 year old teenager who is shouting and complaining because of his unstable hormones.

American Boy showed us his true colours and changed sides within matter of seconds from being secular revolutionists to dioists. The good hearted Dioists believed his lies and welcomed him into their ranks, little did they know about his vicious American filthy agendas to rob Pakistani People.
They didn't know that he robbed our Party organization and plan to do the same with them. He sold the companies made by our donations and took that money with him. Today this thief, American Spy and anti-dioist individual has entered the ranks of one of the most honourable party in the country and to tell you the worst he is the President of that Political Party

Warning to my Pakistani Brothers
Do not believe a word he says because what say is Just lies. His one line propaganda articles show his lack of vision and interest in Pakistan. He is here to steal from our beautiful Country. My brothers don’t let him steal; get ready to tell this American boy his real position in this country, show him the "potty pot" where he truly belongs.