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Opinions of a Wizard Who Is on His quest to defeat darkness

Time for Celebrations PTO Defeated

7 Dan 856, 17:53 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

My Pakistani Brothers

It is celebration time, admins for the first time did the right thing when it was needed.

Most of Congress Candidate PTOers are banned and their multis as well. As you can see the election results have changed.


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Urgent Instructions for PRO PAKISTANI Members & Candidates

5 Dan 855, 20:31 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

Hold your Votes. Ask me or Pak_Land before voting, get intouch with us on ePakistani IRC Channel or on my MSN.

Wait for our voting instructions before voting you can also ask instructions in PM and we will be sending you guys pms with

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[Government Press Release] Just a Mutual Land Swap

6 Dan 855, 17:47 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

My Dear Pakistani Brothers,

Who did the Land Swap
Recent Articles by Mr. Fruitcommando has been blaming land swap on Pro Pakistani, Me (even though I am not President) and Pak_Land. Let me make this Clear to everyone. The Land Swap of

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Pro Pakistani Party - March 2010 Congress Manifesto

20 Dan 853, 18:40 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

My Dear Pakistani Brothers,

I would like to present you Pro Pakistan Party's Congress 2010 Manifesto.


Pro Pakistani Party is a Political Party … preberi več »

Ahsan Shahbaz For President

30 Dan 852, 00:05 Objavljen vPakistan Pakistan

My Fellow Pakistanis,

First of all I would like to tell you that congress elections are coming and it is time to vote for your favorite congress member. Keep watching news for our Party's Congress vision Announcement. It will cover every thing

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