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Not in the name of the monkey

52 Dan 2,116, 07:21 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Ten reasons why you shouldn't be voting a long haired monkey for Country President:

- He is a homebrew of the Dentists, the 'funny' party that gets some giggles destroying parties.

- He hasn't a clue of what to do or when to shave.

- He

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28 Dan 2,099, 03:58 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik


We, at TACO, should thank wholeheartedly the n-th move of dark
forces of eUK. Another e-martydrom of the truth.

By this moment,

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Threat of canadian take over eUK.

42 Dan 2,099, 03:16 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

It's easy to PTO a party, sometimes it's even funny if you have that
sour sense of humour of a mspainted dung of a dove.

But, what you most are missing is that Freemasons party has become now
a potential platform for a COUNTRY political

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Trolling explained

27 Dan 2,087, 13:18 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Ukazi bitke Ukazi bitke

Trolling explained

What's trolling ? It's an overreaction to an idea or person we don't like.

When does it happen? When the idea arises , or simply , when the person performs any 'public' action.

Who makes it ? There'

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Reprint: eRevelations. The whitish Notebook.

4 Dan 2,086, 09:39 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

eRevelations. The whitish Notebook.


eRevelations. The whitish Notebook.

(Nonsense 1, babbling 1, rant 1) In the beginning it was the Dove, the
Sword and

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